Parquet Know-how

Healthy living: parquet, health and quality of life

Under the slogan of ‘healthy living’, Bauwerk makes an important contribution to improving quality of life. The deliberate choice in favour of healthy-living materials makes a significant contribution to personal well-being.

Under the slogan of ‘healthy living’, Bauwerk makes an important contribution to improving quality of life. The deliberate choice in favour of healthy-living materials makes a significant contribution to personal well-being.

We spend a big part of the day in our home, at the office, and in public buildings: some 80 to 90% of our time is spent indoors. Free time in nature is always a welcome change that gives you new energy and a breath of fresh air. It matters because, in many indoor spaces, the air quality is not optimal, largely because of the materials used in interior construction. Parquet by Bauwerk fosters a pleasant atmosphere in working and living spaces, and unlike many other types of flooring, is completely harmless to health.

Parquet for healthy working and living environments

Every day, we breathe in ten to twenty cubic metres of indoor air. Although today's almost airtight building shells make sense from an energy point of view, they reduce the circulation of air so much that pollutants from all kinds of sources can accumulate in the room. Harmful substances coming from the construction materials used are some of the biggest ones.

They reduce air quality immensely, leading to possible adverse effects on health and personal well-being. As a result, construction products that have been tested for the absence of harmful substances are required for healthy rooms. In conjunction with Sentinel Haus Institut, Bauwerk has been consistently testing its products since 2010.

Room picture: Bauwerk 1-strip-plank Silverline Edition Oak Farina Calm parquet
Room picture: Bauwerk Unicopark Oak Caffè Rustic 1-strip-plank parquet floor

Wooden floors guaranteed to be healthy for living

With the Sentinel Haus certificate, and the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ label, Bauwerk offers a unique guarantee: property owners and their families can be certain that Bauwerk’s products will never have any negative effects on their health. On the contrary, Bauwerk stands for a beneficial, healthy indoor atmosphere.

Parquet is healthy and good for the environment

Timber is a natural, renewable raw material; however, making parquet involves other substances and materials, such as adhesives, lacquers and oils. The materials used by Bauwerk meet the highest requirements. Bauwerk regularly arranges tests of its products by independent organisations in various countries to guarantee this. Compared to other types of flooring, Bauwerk’s parquet has a good eco-balance.

According to a German study, the use of wood in construction can have a sustainable, positive effect on the climate: more use of wood instead of concrete or cement can save some 42 million tonnes in greenhouse emissions by 2030.

Innovative noise reduction with parquet

Reducing the environmental effects of sound can improve quality of life and personal well-being: our hearing perceives intrusive sounds and sharp changes in volume as noise. Gluing the parquet down can considerably reduce the volume of walking noises. With the Silentetechnology, Bauwerk has developed an innovative system solution that contributes even more to the reduction of walking and impact noises, which is a major issue with renovations.

Invisible, but measurable

Indoor spaces that truly promote health are no accident; they can be technically planned and measured. In addition to pleasant acoustics and ambient air free from harmful substances, parquet has even more impressive advantages: parquet floors do not accumulate static electricity and feel warm to bare feet, while remaining pleasantly cool on hot summer days.

Where you can buy Bauwerk Parquet

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